10 March 2008

ActiveX plugin v3.1.0.0

Version has been posted.

(Edit: Plugin installer links removed. The plugin now comes with the latest version of Opus so you should install that instead.)

Changes in v3.1.0.0 (10/Mar/2008):
  • Fixed USB export.
  • The 64-bit plugin can now use 32-bit ActiveX controls. This means 64-bit users can view PDF and Flash files and use 32-bit Windows Media Player codecs.
  • The 64-bit plugin's configuration dialog allows you assign extensions to 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Internet Explorer and Generic ActiveX controls. The default configuration assigns everything to 32-bit as many controls do not yet have 64-bit versions and this is what the OS itself does with IE and WMP.
  • 64-bit Users Please Note: You should disable or delete the separate PDF-ActiveX plugin (pdfactivex.dll), otherwise it will handle PDF files before the ActiveX plugin gets a chance, resulting in Adobe Reader opening in a separate window. I'll suggest to GPSoftware that PDF-ActiveX be dropped from 64-bit releases.
  • The plugin now runs all of its viewers in separate processes in order to isolate Opus itself from crashes.
  • Windows Media Player crashes after full-screen mode seem to be fixed as a result of the process isolation.
  • Moved text into StringTable resource to allow for localisation.
  • Configuration dialog uses system Message Box font. (e.g. Segoe UI 9 on Vista.)
  • Default configuration changes:
    • Added .zip to default Internet Explorer extensions. Shows you the contents of the selected zip file.
    • Disabled Microsoft XPS Rich preview handler by default as the Internet Explorer plugin is better overall.
    • Disabled Windows Media Player preview handler by default as the Generic ActiveX control is generally better.
    • Disabled Windows Mail HTML preview handler by default as using Internet Explorer gives fuller results (e.g. images).
Feedback: There's a forum thread for feedback on the new plugin. (You can also leave moderated comments here without needing to sign up.)