23 October 2008

Directory Opus version

Directory Opus version - October 23rd 2008

A free update for all Directory Opus 9 users is now available for download from GP Software.

Bugs fixed / minor changes:
  • Fixed problem with Advanced Filters where the value of a Size clause would not be correctly saved in some cases.
  • Fixed problem where the drag/drop menu for folders dragged from the tree with the right mouse button would not include all context menu items in some cases.
  • It is now possible to override the Use internal picture viewer option on a per-filetype basis by configuring the dblclk event.
  • Fixed a problem where .IFF files would always be identified as Amiga IFF on double-click even if they weren't.
  • Drag and drop from the third-party Internet Download Manager program now works.
  • Fixed range selection issue in List and other Icon modes (e.g. when a key has been pressed to jump to the first file beginning with that letter, pressing Shift-End or Shift-Home now selects the correct range.)
  • Moving a folder to a junction folder on the same drive, that points to a different drive, now works correctly.
  • The Dynamic Thumbnails sizer now correctly disappears if a dual-display Lister's only thumbnail display is closed when it is inactive.
  • Fixed rendering glitch with the 'auto-select previous folder' option with long folder names in Thumbnails mode.
  • Fixed rendering glitch in Theme dialog when theme names contain descenders (j, y, etc.).
  • Fixed problem with the Go command – if the Go OPENCONTAINER NEWTAB=nofocus command caused a new tab to be opened, the tree would sync with the new tab even though focus was not switched to it.
  • Fixed incorrect text in Replace confirmation requester when using the Image ROTATE command.
  • The Set Description for files within folders option in the Set Description dialog now works.
  • Fixed problem where the CreateFolder command could not create collections if the Collections folder was displayed under the Desktop in the tree.
  • The Clipboard is no longer cleared after a Cut & Paste operation if its contents have already changed.
  • Fixed rendering issue in Thumbnails/Icon modes with single-click selection enabled.
  • Fixed a problem that could cause Opus to crash if the Customize dialog was opened from the tray menu while Help was showing.
  • Copying multiple files plus sub-collections from a collection now works reliably.
  • Fixed potential 100% CPU loop error on malformed PNG files.
  • Fixed support for MP3 thumbnails when the thumbnail data is "unsynced".
  • The folder colors drop-down in the Add Folder dialog in Preferences Folder Colors section now works under x64.
  • Fixed a problem in MultiView plugin that could cause a crash when viewing files in zip files or on FTP sites.
  • Copy MAKELINK now supports the AS argument to specify the name of the new link.
  • Fixed crash in line rename if the string was deleted completely and then enter pressed.
  • Fixed problem with FTP passwords being stored unencrypted in tab groups.
  • Fixed problem with FTP passwords being displayed in tab tooltip for a locked tab.
  • Fixed rendering issue with glass status bars.
  • Updated ActiveX plugin.