19 November 2009

Directory Opus version (Beta)

This is an Opus Beta release only. If you aren't comfortable running the very latest version of Opus then you may like to wait for the next stable/public release.

To download the new beta version, visit the Directory Opus thread.

Bugs fixed / minor changes:
  • Several Windows 7 compatibility improvements:
    • Explorer Replacement mode stopped Safely Remove / Eject device from working correctly.
    • Explorer Replacement can now trap the Open command from the context menu of a folder in the Start Menu.
    • Adding the Virtual Machines folder to the Explorer Replacement exclusion list now correctly prevents that folder from being trapped. Opus also adds this folder to the list by default now.
    • Fixed a problem with some context menu items not acting correctly when multiple files are selected (e.g. Windows Media Player - Play and Queue commands now work correctly with multiple files).
    • The SendTo context menu is now compatible with Windows 7 (including when the shift key is held down).
    • The option to add File Collections to the Send To menu now works in Windows 7 (and Vista).
    • Toggling between Details and Thumbnails view modes now works correctly in system namespaces.
    • Reading of Homegroup folders now works correctly.
    • Improved support for Libraries (the 'Include in Library' folder context menu now works, the Folder Tree now displays the library member folders, the Tree automatically updates when libraries are modified, and libraries now work correctly as a destination folder).
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using dopusrt to send the Select command to Opus.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when reading some PDF metadata
  • FTP improvements:
    • Fixed a problem with FTP with PureFTPd and SSL not handling protected data correctly.
    • Fix for problem with bad servers not returning FD_CLOSE - could cause a folder listing to never complete.
  • Dragging and dropping from a TrueImage mounted backup image now copies sub-folders correctly.
  • Using the Clipboard COPY command in a file collection now works correctly when multiple files have the same filename.
  • Fixed problem with the Y / N key handling in a dialog when a button in that dialog had those keys as an accelerator.
  • The Folder Tree now displays drive letters/labels correctly when the system has been set to display letters first via the registry.
  • Adding files to the Search For list in the Duplicate File Finder now works correctly.
  • Improved Context Menu support, including the Adobe PDF 'Print' command, and the context menu provided by MediaInfo.
  • The CreateFolder command has a new NOSEL argument that prevents the newly created folder from being automatically selected.
  • The Toolbar STATE argument has a new floatactive option which floats a toolbar AND makes it active (useful when opening a Toolbar from a hotkey).
  • Fix for possible crashes from the context menu in the Viewer when accessed from the keyboard.
  • Fixed a layout issue in the Advanced Rename dialog that could cause the window to open with the bottom buttons off the visible screen.