8 September 2010

Directory Opus version (Beta)

This is an Opus Beta release only. If you aren't comfortable running the very latest version of Opus then you may like to wait for the next stable/public release.

To download the new beta version, visit the Directory Opus thread.

Bugs fixed / minor changes:
  • Fix for the 'Open in Directory Opus' folder context menu item not working in Windows 7 if Explorer Replacement mode was disabled in some cases. This also fixes the 'Open folder to view files in Directory Opus' AutoPlay option if Explorer Replacement mode disabled.
  • Fixed crash when using the Print Folder command without any printers installed (or with print service disabled).
  • Fixed problem that prevented custom Folder Colors from working reliably in the tree.
  • Fix for FTP sites that claim to support UTF-8 but return non-UTF-8 encoded directory listings.