23 May 2011

Directory Opus version (Beta)

This is an Opus Beta release only. If you aren't comfortable running the very latest version of Opus then you may like to wait for the next stable/public release.

Directory Opus is available now for all Opus 10 users:

This is a preliminary, beta release. It fixes a number of issues reported since the release of Directory Opus 10:
  • Fixed an error that meant selecting a third-party context menu extension on the root of a drive could trigger the New->Folder command instead
  • With the 'Display localized folder names' option disabled, folders are now sorted in the tree according to their non-localized names
  • If you dragged a folder tab *down* or *up* (depending on top or bottom tab state) the tabs would jump around when the mouse was below (above) the tab but still over the tab bar. Hypothesis that this is behind the "jumping" tab problem (forum thread).
  • The File count/Dir count/etc columns would clash when turned on at the same time as the Rating column
  • Paste of files to libraries didn't work from the context menu of the library itself
  • The replace confirmation dialog is now automatically resized if the description or filename strings are too wide for the controls
  • The viewer's next/previous list was not properly resolved when it came from an archive inside a library
  • Fixed problems with navigation lock losing sync one level too soon when going up on or against an FTP site
  • Fixed problems where the source file display would be refreshed (and lose its scroll position) after copying to an FTP site in the destination with navigation lock turned on
  • The copy progress dialog is now always resizeable, not just when the copy queue is displayed
  • Menus where all items had labels above/below their icons, and icons wider than their labels, would draw the icons on top of the line that delineates the menu's lefthand strip.
  • The overflow menu for toolbars docked to the bottom of the screen would appear on top of the chevron/overflow button, meaning if you clicked and released to open the menu you'd end up selecting the bottom item before you'd even seen it.
  • Glass and Transparent toolbars docked to the left or right would draw buttons past the overflow scroll buttons when in customize mode.
  • Pop-up menus configured to open above or below their parent button would open covering it if their contents were too tall to fit above or below. This resulted in problems like accidentally selecting a favorite when clicking & releasing to open the menu because the favorites list was so long it made one of the favorites appear under the mouse pointer. In situations like this, the menu is now shifted to the right or left of the parent button.
  • Added a new method of reconnecting network drives which seems to have resolved all outstanding issues with network drives
  • Added support for Portable Devices category in native My Computer view (digital cameras)
  • Fixed some cases where the Copy/Delete Filter flag from the destination Lister could affect a copy - now it should only consider the flag in the source Lister
  • Reintroduced the bug that makes the 'Keep folders sorted alphabetically' flag not obey the 'Reverse sort order' flag. People seem to prefer it this way :)
  • Fixed a problem where Shift-Page Up/Down or Home/End did not work in List mode immediately after entering a folder
  • When the Find panel is opened in a Lister with multiple tabs, its location now defaults to that of the active tab
  • Context menus from the Breadcrumbs or File Display Border did not always associate their commands with the current Lister, meaning commands like 'Open in New Folder Tab' could sometimes open a new Lister instead of a new tab
  • The tree and the file displays now will not go into inline rename mode if you click on an already selected file and the window was not currently active
  • Fixed problems where certain combinations of Folder Tree options could result in unnecessary tree rebuilds and doubling-up of some items
  • Fixed repaint issue when resizing Folder Tree with a virtual folder (like Recycle Bin) open in the file display
  • Folder-Tab lock states were not restored in layouts which had the "ignore folder formats" flag set
  • Fixed a crash extracting metadata from some particular PDF files
  • Metapane now supports EXIF data in JPEG2000 and DNG files
  • A button combining Set COPYFILTER=on with the Copy command now correctly applies the filter
  • In Japanese translation, default toolbars will no longer be assigned accelerator keys using japanese characters (will only pick Roman characters from the label)
  • Fixed error/crash sending certain long command lines to Opus via dopusrt /col
  • The FTP site properties command was incorrectly disabled when added to a toolbar
  • Image thumbnails are no longer re-colored when a File & Folder Label specifies an icon color. (Icons are still re-colored, including in Thumbnails mode.)