30 April 2010

Directory Opus version (Beta)

This is an Opus Beta release only. If you aren't comfortable running the very latest version of Opus then you may like to wait for the next stable/public release.

To download the new beta version, visit the Directory Opus thread.

Bugs fixed / minor changes:

  • Fixed a problem that could cause a crash when editing the defined filter in the Print Folder dialog.
  • Fixed a problem that caused the Folder Tree to fail to expand the Desktop branch with a particular combination of settings.
  • The FILTER argument for the Print FOLDER command now works correctly.
  • If two or more single file-display Listers were open, the Go DUALPATH command used to cause the folder in the destination Lister to change, instead of setting the source Lister into dual-display mode.
  • Improved support for the Recorded TV start menu link in Windows 7
  • The Rename command could not move files when the source folder was a file collection.
  • If a rename script fails, the rename operation is now aborted.
  • Added support for transparent (alpha-channel) TIFF images.

27 April 2010

Sort music files and go to the target folder

(I usually forget to post things like this to the blog, so apologies for that.)

I've written a new post in the Opus Rename Scripting forum which demonstrates a few things that may be useful. (The actual button in the post is unlikely to be useful to you as-is but the techniques it uses could come in handy.)

The main/new thing is moving some files (based on their MP3 tags, in this case) and then using a little VBScript to feed their new path into other commands (to make Opus show their new location, in this case).

It's fairly advanced stuff, as Opus scripting goes, so don't worry if you can't understand it. Hope some people find it useful.