Directory Opus 12.20.2 (beta) is now available for all Opus 12 users.
This is a preliminary, beta release. Translations may not be fully up-to-date and some English text may appear in non-English versions.
Universal version (all supported languages)
Deutsche version
Changes since 12.20.1:
- The FAYT field's Range Select mode (# key by default) now lets you select a range based on the current focus position. For example, #+10 will select the next 10 files from the current position, and #-5 will select the previous 5. You can also use, for example, #-5+5 to select 5 files either side.
- Previously the Range Select mode required the Index column to be added before you could use it, but now the mode is always available (in details/power mode) and the Index column will be automatically added if needed, and removed again once the FAYT closes..
- Background threads generating metadata now prioritise the active tab. When you switch tabs any outstanding threads are re-ordered so results for the newly active tab should start to be returned much more quickly.
- A number of improvements to the Go FOLDERCONTENT command:
- Go FOLDERCONTENT now sorts and filters items by their localized display names, not the underlying disk names.
- Go FOLDERCONTENT=useshell now supports multiple folders. Also added support for merging the current folder "." with one or more fixed paths.
- Go FOLDERCONTENT=useshell now shows better descriptions (on mouse hover) for shortcuts.
- Go FOLDERCONTENT=useshell no longer treats zip files as folders.
- Go FOLDERCONTENT without useshell now adds a separator between files and folders at the top level. (Previously, this only happened within sub-menus or when useshell was specified.)
- If a folder tab shows a collection which is deleted, the tab now reacts by going up a level (if the collection stays deleted) or refreshing (if the collection is re-created immediately).
- The dialog for creating new FTP site bookmarks no longer resets the password drop-down when you change the connection type drop-down.
- Improved feedback if PDF metadata update fails.
- Fixed a problem with the MD5 cache which could in some cases cause checksums to not be calculated (files would show as duplicates but with a zero checksum).
- Improved compatibility with music tags in certain M4A files.
- Resetting the Archives filetype group to its default settings now initialises the default file extensions for the group.
- Fixed the Flat View state of the first folder carrying over to its replacement when loading a Folder Tab Group.
- Documented the refreshsub action for the OnBeforeFolderChange and OnAfterFolderChange script events.
- By default, Opus no longer overrides the font chosen by virtual folders which Opus does not handle itself. A new option Preferences / Display / Options / Enable custom fonts in virtual folders exists to turn this back on, but note that it can cause cosmetic issues or even crashes when going to those folders.
- Fixed drop-downs at the bottom of Preferences / Display / Images not updating correctly when custom images were removed.
- Fixed a crash that could occur if you rapidly refreshed a file collection.
- The standalone viewer now adds the initial file it opens to the Windows recent documents list.
- Fixed unnecessary null being added at end of IPTC string tags.
- If a rename fails because a file is in-use Opus will now show the processes that have the file locked if possible (same as when trying to delete).
- Fixed Go FROMSEL NEW=nodual opening a Lister with a second folder tree, if the default Lister had dual folder trees.
- The Image Viewer toolbar now respects the icon size override on the Customize Toolbars page.
- Fixed Customize Toolbars list in Opus Light showing the wrong checkbox state for the Images toolbar if it was turned on.
- In Opus Light, you can now override the File Display Border toolbar's icon size and the setting will be saved to disk.
- The Customize Toolbars list now shows File Display Border toolbars as in-use, to help identify them. They can also no longer be turned on as normal toolbars (although you can still do so via commands if you really want to for some reason).
- If the File Display Border or Image Viewer toolbars are changed in Preferences while the Customize dialog is also open, the Customize dialog now updates itself.
- When the standalone viewer is displaying something with the Text plugin, you can now close it with Esc.
- Fixed a crash which could occur in the standalone viewer if you had the Reuse existing viewer windows option turned on and double-clicked the same image twice in extremely quick succession (e.g. due to a faulty mouse button).
- When you right-click a file which is a member of multiple File Type Groups, the context menu items they add (if any) are now in the same order as the groups in the file type editor (i.e. by group name).
- Improved Rename dialog's filtering of invalid characters to allow ":" to be typed after {scp even when not at the very end of the line.
- The progress dialog's unattended mode errors dialog no longer shows itself when the progress dialog is minimized and restored if the unattended option has been turned off again.
- The Command.AddFilesFromClipboard script method now works better when the clipboard files came from a library.
- Fixed an issue where the standalone viewer could be blank after exiting fullscreen mode in specific situations.
- Layouts applied to existing windows (Prefs LAYOUTTHISLISTER) should now work with Navigation Lock and Linked Folder Tabs.
- If you have a toolbar with empty space on the right (or bottom, for vertical toolbars), and you move the mouse across the last button and into the empty space, the button will no longer be left highlighted.
- Drive roots may now be added to file collections. (Primarily intended for scripts/commands.)
- The Item.filegroup script property now works correctly in script functions run from a context menu.