New versions are often made available several days before they will be detected by the update checker. You can download Opus using the links below if you don't want to wait.
Universal version (all supported languages)
Deutsche version
The following changes were part of the 12.21.1 - 12.21.7 beta updates:
- Fixed icons in some dialogs getting clipped slightly at 125% DPI scaling.
- Made it easier to edit a new, empty toolbar docked to the side of the screen. Previously, only a narrow strip of the visible space responded to right-clicks and drag & drops until the first button was added; now the whole toolbar does.
- Simple request dialogs now use minimal widths for multi-line messages.
- Added mitigation for something external to Opus setting ACDSee32.exe as the double-click event for images, even on machines which do not have ACDSee installed.
- Folders prevented from auto-loading by Preferences flags now do a proper evaluation of their folder format once they are loaded.
- The script Dlg.RunDlg method will now show the dialog if it has not been shown already.
- Fixed rare issue decoding certain JPEGs.
- The Folder Format group Collapse checkbox is now ignored when a file display is in List or Tiles (Vertical Layout) modes, since they do not support collapsed groups. Similarly, if you go to Preferences and turn on Tiles / Vertical Layout, all groups in Tiles mode file displays will be expanded automatically.
- Fixed List mode scrollbar appearing before it was really required if the file display was grouped.
- If the preview pane falls back on a shell thumbnail, it will now request one the size of the screen instead of something 256x256. This makes the Microsoft Raw Extension usable as a viewer within the Opus preview pane. Also fixed an issue where some file types loaded via shell thumbnails would be rotated incorrectly.
- Exporting a User Command now works even if it has illegal path characters in its name. Those characters are now also filtered out when editing user command names, since they could cause other problems.
- Adobe Illustrator .AI files are now always opened via temporary copies, like .PDF files before them, due to a lot of PDF/AI viewers ignoring the Preview Handler specifications about not locking the files they view.
- Fix for modes other than Details/Power, where shift + cursor did not select the expected range if you had just changed the selection via certain commands.
- The "close" event for the Tab.WatchTab script notification system wasn't being sent.
- Fix for slow scrolling in folders with a large number of files when labels using filters were active.
- Menus listing columns from multi-column scripts are now sorted by name.
- file:// URLs pasted into the path field are now converted to normal paths. (Note: Typing them by hand, rather than pasting, doesn't work, but we can't think of any reason you'd ever do that.)
- Added Copy WHENEXISTS=recycle option (can be combined with others, e.g. WHENEXISTS=replace,recycle). Replaced files will be deleted to the recycle bin if possible. Note that Undo can not be used to restore these files automatically, however you will be able to retrieve them from the recycle bin manually.
- Fixed crash that could occur in a Go FOLDERCONTENT-generated menu if you opened several nested submenus and then right-clicked on one to show the context menu.
- The Sort By and Group By menus now list columns in the same order as the file display, instead of alphabetically.
- Go FOLDERCONTENT now treats shortcuts to folders like folders. (Unless noparselinks is specified.)
- Localized folder names are supported again for profile folders (etc.) which have been moved to other drives.
- Added workaround for Windows issue where VLC's file type context menus do not work if VLC is not the default video player.
- Text pasted into the User Command name field is now processed the same as text typed into the field.
- When the folder tab bar is on the left or right, it can now be resized using the Set TABWIDTH command (in addition to dragging and double-clicking the splitter, as before). e.g. Set TABWIDTH=auto,both or Set TABWIDTH=widest can be used to make both tab bars the same width in a dual-display window. See docs for full details.
- A dynamic list of user-defined aliases can now be added to a toolbar or menu using Favorites ALIAS=list. You can also specify ALIAS=list,all (all aliases) and ALIAS=list,builtin (built-in aliases only).
- The MTP "Can Delete" flag is now mapped to the Read-Only attribute when copying files from MTP devices (assuming Opus is configured to preserve attributes).
- Fix for unnecessary errors in the script log when scripts which use Shell Properties (File Explorer columns) ask about files within archives and other things which the shell doesn't understand.
- Improved performance when using script columns in folders with a very large number of items.
- Fixed script columns not always auto-resizing for the last data which came back from the script.
- Commands like Clipboard PASTE AS C:\test now work when the current folder is a plugin archive which doesn't support pasting text/image data.
- Disabled the OneDrive bug mitigations as they seem to be no longer needed. Detailed sync status and thumbnails should now work again as they did before Microsoft broke them.
- Sub-Folder/File count columns now auto-size correctly again.
- Sub-Folder/File count columns now remain blank until calculated (instead of showing zero while calculating).
- For scripts which use Shell Properties (File Explorer columns), removed a second source of potential errors which most scripts would not handle (nor want to handle).
- The option to color folders which are Favorites now works with Favorites defined using env-vars and aliases.
- Numeric sorting now works with any length numbers (previously it would only work reliably for 19 digits or so).
- Fixed script test-runs from the button editor showing the wrong line numbers in error messages if they began with // style comments.
- Changes to help avoid files being deselected when the Image command modifies them in-place.
- The recently-added options for blocking Ctrl/Shift + Mouse Wheel now apply to the Icon/Thumbnails modes as well as Details/Power modes.
- Fixed crash which could happen if you used Shift + Mouse Wheel to move back or forward through the history list and span the wheel faster than the folders could be read.
- AudioTags plugin now treats .m4b as an alternative extension for .mp4/.m4a audiobooks. (Read-only.)
- In the Rename dialog's preview list, when editing a single file name directly with macro mode turned off, the line being edited is no longer moved slightly to the left.
- In the Duplicate Files panel, fixed a browse-for-file dialog appearing instead of a folder dialog if you added the new folder in a particular way.
- Fixed a bug where junctions to volume mount points were wrongly considered recursive, which meant the Find tool would not look beyond them.
- Fixed the filter bar's Ignore Diacritics option making grp:Vidéos and similar not work.
Raw Digital Camera plugin:
- Updated Raw Digital Camera plugin with CR3 support.
- You can now specify whether a raw file extension is handled by the newer LibRaw code or the older DCRaw code. Most extensions go through LibRaw by default, but we provide the option to use the old code in case the new library doesn't work with a particular camera. (Please let us know if that happens, so we can try and fix it. We may remove the old code in the future.)
- You can now configure the PNM file extensions (.pnm, .pgm, .ppm by default).
- Removed the old grayscale interpolation options for raw camera images, as they did not map easily to the new library. We doubt anyone was using these but please let us know if you were and need them back.
- When using LibRaw, Unicode paths now work for ICC profiles and bad pixel files. (Image paths were already fine.)
- Updated Raw Digital Camera plugin with CR3 support.
- Button tooltips now limited to 1024 chars to prevent lockups with ridiculously large tooltips.
- The Release Date field now does time zone conversion on values which come from the shell (video files) or WMA API, which both use UTC.
- You can now add Folder Tab Groups to the taskbar jump list.
- Increased the Create Folder dialog's maximum text length, when in multiple folder mode, from 32 KB to 512 MB.
- Removed the Folder Tree's "fully automatic horizontal scrolling" option. (This was based on a Windows feature which was introduced in Vista but then partially broken in Windows 10, or possibly even Windows 8. We doubt many used the option as no one noticed or reported that it was broken for so long, and it never worked that well in the first place. Probably also why Microsoft themselves stopped using it in Windows 7.)
- The active tab group name for the right file display is now cleared if you close the right file display entirely. It is also restored if you re-open the right file display using Set DUAL=Toggle,ToggleLayout or similar.
- Menus generated by Go FOLDERCONTENT are now sorted according to locale rules. (e.g. Acker and Äcker now sort next to each other in European locales.)
- If you add or remove a script package (.osp file) containing icons, Opus automatically loads or unloads the affected icons again.
- You can now cancel a queued file copy from the queue confirmation dialog.
- The Add To Archive dialog's filename field no longer auto-selects the filename stem after you paste text into it, unless the result of the paste was a full path which had to be split between the path and name fields.
- Simple, single-file inline rename operations are included in the File Log again if Rename is on in the logging options, without needing to turn on Include all files renamed by wildcard as well.
- Fixed some potential issues with Go DUALPATH commands.
- Fixed some rare/potential cases where a folder change could wait forever if something failed.
Added DOpus.filetypegroups property; returns a FiletypeGroups object representing all configured file type groups:
- Can be enumerated as a collection of FiletypeGroup objects.
- The GetGroup() method returns a single FiletypeGroup object by name (translated name or native English name) or False if not found.
- The Translate() method takes an English name for one of the default groups (e.g. Movies) and returns the translated name (e.g. Vidéos)
- The MatchExt() method returns a new FiletypeGroups object containing only the groups that match the supplied file extension.
- Can be enumerated as a collection of FiletypeGroup objects.
The FiletypeGroup scripting object:
- Can now be enumerated as a collection of strings (one for each file extension).
- Has new tooltip and tiles properties.
- The new MatchExt() method returns True if the group matches the supplied file extension.
- Can now be enumerated as a collection of strings (one for each file extension).
- The Item object now has a new groupsobject property which returns a FiletypeGroups object rather than a Vector (which is what the existing groups property returns).
- Added Lister.tabgroupleft and tabgroupright properties which give the names of the last folder tab groups (if any) loaded into each side.
- Fixed scripting SetClip issues with some character/locale combinations.
- Added Availability filter type to the advanced filter control.
- To work around a bug introduced by Microsoft in Windows 10 v2004, Opus no longer uses DDE when opening folders from the desktop with Explorer Replacement turned on. The actual observable behavior should be unchanged.
- Fixed cosmetic/layout issue in config restore dialog (and possibly others) when translations had wider checkboxes than expected.
- Fixed Show PLUGINLIST.
- Fixed scrolling/painting problems after using the Duplicate Finder with Sort newly created and copied files turned off.
- Fixed problem using copy & paste between Opus running through TeamViewer and Opus on the local machine.
- EXIF tags written by Opus no longer have a UTF-8 BOM prefix.
- Fixed problem with @hidenosel and similar not working correctly in a right-button drag and drop context menu if the drop originated in a different Lister.
- Added DOpus.LoadThumbnail method, allowing a script to retrieve a thumbnail (which can be displayed using a static control in a script dialog).
- Added Msg.qualifiers property for script dialogs.
- The DialogListItem.icon property can be set to "dir", "file", "ftp" and "ftps" for default icons.
- Fixed a problem where could return a non-functional object in some cases.
- Fixed problem with script dialog listview items displaying in incorrect colors in some cases.
- Improved handling when moving folders up to parents. The change that was in 12.20.1 could leave empty folders behind in certain situations, which no longer happens.
- Added support for Visio documents to the metadata panel.
- Added workaround for the Visio preview handler hanging Opus.
- The Preferences / File Displays / FAYT and Filter Bar Keys / FAYT close timeout value can now be set to fractions of a second.
- Fixed problem where advanced find filters using script columns could occasionally lose track of the script column they were set to match on.
- Fixed a problem where label filters set in the folder format would not be reevaluated when a file changed if there were no global label filters defined.
- Metadata should work for .vnd Visio files now as well as .vndx.
- Alt + Left Double-Click file type events can now be triggered via Alt + Return. (This previously only worked in Details and Power modes.)
- Fixed the Preferences / Viewer / Mouse Buttons / Accumulate wheel movements option not being saved/applied correctly.