27 February 2024

Directory Opus 13.3.1 (Beta)

Directory Opus 13.3.1 is now available.

Download (or use Help > Check for Program Updates in the program):

New in 13.3.1:

  • File labels can now be set to strikethrough as well as bold/italic/underline.

  • Added option to Folder Options / Columns tab to Reverse the Index column. This makes the Index column count down to 1 instead of counting up from 1. Clicking the column header will also toggle this option.

  • Added two new options relating to folder formats:

    • Preferences / File Displays / Options / Preserve folder format edits between folders: If turned off, disables the normal behaviour where if you make a change to the folder format in a tab, this is preserved when going into other folders in that tab.

    • Preferences / Folders / Folder Formats / Automatic Formats / Use as the default format for all sub-folders: If turned on, an automatically remembered format for a folder will be used as the default format for any children of that folder as well (unless they have their own format, automatic or otherwise)

  • Added options to Preferences / File Displays / Folder Expansion:

    • Clear selections within collapsed folders: When an expanded folder is collapsed, any items within it that were selected have their selection status cleared (so that when you expand the item again they will be unselected).

    • Collapse sub-folders within collapsed folders: When an expanded folder is collapsed, any expanded sub-folders within it are also collapsed (so that when you expand the item again they will be unexpanded).

  • Under Preferences / Folders / Virtual Folders / This PC, added option to hide Media Servers from the This PC folder.

  • Added Preferences / Filtering and Sorting / Find-As-You-Type / Auto search option, configures the time delay after typing in the FAYT search modes (Everything, etc) before the search automatically starts.

  • Added Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced: [Behavior] searchfield_autostart which does the same thing for the search field (top-right of the Lister). If this is set to 0 the setting for the FAYT is used by default.

  • Added Preferences / File Displays / Folder Expansion / Expansion delay setting, to configure how long it takes a folder in the file display to expand when dragging over it.

  • Added Preferences / Folder Tree / Expand/Collapse / Expansion delay setting, to configure how long it takes a folder in the folder tree to expand when dragging over it.

  • Added Preferences / Toolbars / Appearance / Global Scaling, allows a global scaling factor to be applied to toolbar button icons

  • Added Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced: [Behavior] config_backup_name which lets you configure the default config backup filename template. It supports date/time strings and environment variables.

  • When making a config backup, you can now exclude the currently open windows and tabs (without excluding all other state data). New checkbox in the UI, and BACKUP=notabs value for the command.

  • Added case argument for Go EXPANDBRANCH command to make regex/wildcard path matches case sensitive

  • Added ScriptCommand.noprogress property. Set to true when adding the command to disable automatic progress dialogs for your command.

  • Added scripting Control.case property to set/get edit control upper/lower case state.

  • Script FAYT extensions are now by default called for empty strings (i.e. before the user has typed anything). The new ScriptFAYTCommand.wantempty property can be set to false to disable this behaviour.

  • Added scripting Viewer object imagesize and selection properties; returns the size of the current image and the current selection (if any).

  • Dropping files onto script buttons now works again.

  • The {gfl} status bar code once again shows the padlock or info icon in grayscale.

  • Entries in the Paired Folders list in Preferences can now be individually disabled.

  • Fixed errant / label showing up in progress dialog when copying files out of a zip file with the queue tab visible.

  • Fixed scripts list scroll position resetting when a script is enabled or disabled.

  • Evaluation columns which rely on the value of script columns now work properly.

  • Everything local search now works if regular expression mode is enabled.

  • Fixed the filename "highlight" effect when using Ctrl+Shift+Up or Down in inline rename not restoring the background color properly if the background was set to use a non-existent image and no unselected background color was specified.

  • Expanding folders on MTP devices no longer shows the cryptic internal filenames of the subfolder contents.

  • Fixed two-way synchronize between MTP and local not recognising that files already existed on the MTP device and wanting to delete them from the local folder.

  • Improved Synchronize exclusion list logic.

  • Changing the synchronise exclusion list after doing a comparison now triggers the "new comparison needed" message.

  • Fixed Win+<key> hotkeys rendering with the + as part of the second key instead of between the two.

  • The order of Image Conversion presets can now be set arbitrarily (though sorting alphabetically is still the default). If presets have been assigned to groups or favorited, the Image Conversion context menu now respects this.

  • Rename AUTONUMBER now works correctly across devices.

  • In Tiles mode, fixed infotip with {thumbnail} code for a folder with a custom icon incorrectly resetting the icon back to the default folder image.

  • Fixed file notification not working in OneDrive folders with the folder tree closed.

  • Fixed problem with indexed search in FAYT auto-closing the FAYT after editing the search term.

  • Right-clicking on the button for a zip file in the breadcrumbs path field now shows the context menu for the zip file itself rather than the limited menu for zip file contents.

  • Toolbars now behave the same to Alt+<key> as they do to Alt, <key> (i.e. Alt+H, or press/release Alt, then press H, will both show the Help menu).

  • The Customize / User Commands tab now has a search field at the bottom.

  • Made a change to try to prevent Lister minimising/other window coming to front if a modal script dialog is closed.

  • The Item.id property is now valid for script columns.

  • Attempted fix for crash ID 192.

  • Fixed Set FORMAT incorrectly turning off the "group" column if it was added automatically (due to the Preferences option) and the new format is still grouped.

  • The menu generated by Go TABLOCK=menu (on the default folder tab context menu) now supports Shift/Ctrl/Shift+Ctrl on the various lock commands to lock all/all to the right/all to the left (as documented and as in Opus 12).

  • The suggestion popup list now works in the FAYT on the first key press if command mode is the default.

  • If user/script commands have a description this is now shown in the FAYT suggestion popup list in command mode.

  • Fixed persistent tab-scoped variables not being remembered in some cases (Listers with only one tab per file-display opened in a particular way).

  • Fixed {thumbnail} code in tooltip definitions truncating any text that came after it on the same line.

  • Fixed List mode sort header not redrawing if the Find-As-You-Type field appeared over it and was then hidden.

  • Improved startup check for being launched while the installer is still running.

  • Print Folder column list no longer uses the Printer font specified above.

  • If the Preferences option Save descriptions to internal file metadata if possible was turned off, this was being ignored if a file already had a description set.

  • Performance improvement for file/folder context menus (when UWP context menu components are updated and old versions are left installed for some reason).

  • Duplicate Finder > Select dialog now expands the whole folder tree, instead of only up to the level of the first duplicates. Make it easier to see if child levels are being included or not.

  • Wav file durations are now rounded up to the nearest second. In particular, wavs less than a second long will be reported as 1 second instead of "N/A".

  • (Also in 13.3) Fixed toolbars getting temporarily confused if you converted a button-menu to a menu and then edited the first item.

Directory Opus 13.3

Directory Opus 13.3 is now available.

Download (or use Help > Check for Program Updates in the program):

We've also written some Tips for Upgrading from Directory Opus 12 to 13 which you may find useful, in addition to the existing Directory Opus 13 Highlights.

New in 13.3:

  • Fixed toolbars getting temporarily confused if you converted a button-menu to a menu and then edited the first item.

Changes from 13.2.1 beta:

  • Evaluation columns can now return a different value when being called for sorting, by checking if (operation == "sort") { }.

  • Evaluator columns now have a "Custom grouping" option, which means they can define their own groups. When turned on, they'll be called with operation == "group", and they should return the name of the group they want to be placed in.

  • Updated the default example "Modified (simple)" evaluator column to have proper sorting and grouping.

  • Added scripting Dialog.CreateFont, Dialog.DestroyFont, Control.SetFont methods. Control.AutoSize now has an optional bool parameter to make it resize vertically as well as horizontally.

  • Fixed inconsistent taskbar button order of multi-window layouts.

  • Fixed automatic copy queue not treating UNC shares the same as subdirs off the same share.

  • Fix for mouse wheel scrolling the folder tree too far in Windows 7 and 8.

  • When creating RAR archives, it's now left to your installed version of WinRAR which archive format version it uses, since WinRAR 7 is removing the option to create older RAR 4 archives.

  • Pixelated thumbnail upscaling is now only applied when enlarging images to at least 3x their original size.

  • Fixed fringing around exe icon thumbnails when resized.

  • When changing thumbnail scaling mode, if thumbnail size is overridden in a window it now stays that way rather than reverting to the standard size.

  • Fix for empty sub-menus in toolbar/menu favorites list if it was filtering on a specific branch using the "Path" argument rather than "Branch".

  • If the "TrayMenu" context menu is factory-reset, it now turns off its icon state/size overrides instead of setting them to on/small. (Makes no real difference unless you then edit the menu's items to use different settings.)

  • Fixed toolbar search field's magnifying glass arrow not reacting to color changes until the window was re-opened.

  • Fixed Copy/Move options being disabled in right-mouse drag-and-drop menu when dropping on a drive under This PC, where the destination is a single-display window.

  • Fixed custom toolbar labels turning into "Special Folders" if you changed languages and chose to translate toolbars. They will now be left as they were (unless they match the name of a built-in label which Opus knows how to translate).

  • Fixed Prefs FORMATLIST commands not immediately updating after changes to the Folder Format list.

  • Fixed Sync panel Compare button remaining disabled if you switched to another utility panel and back again.

  • Possible fix for crash likely caused by invalid registry data. (ID 184)

  • Fix for crash selecting files in unusual shell namespace folder. (ID 183)

  • Fixed crash when in the Libraries root and expanding a library via Expandable Folders. (ID 171/172/175)

  • Fix for crash if viewer pane had a background image and was closed while still loading something. (ID 170)

  • Fix for crash which could happen when dragging the only tab in a window to another window's tab bar, closing the original window. (ID 163)

  • Fix for rare FTP crash.

Changes from 13.2.2 beta:

  • Workaround for progress dialogs not appearing when certain tools were installed (generally ones which add extra buttons to windows titlebars).

  • Added scripting DOpus.MusicGenres() method to access the list of defined music genres (returns a Vector of strings).

19 February 2024

Directory Opus 13.2.2 (Beta)

Directory Opus 13.2.2 is now available.

Download (or use Help > Check for Program Updates in the program):

New in 13.2.2:

  • Workaround for progress dialogs not appearing when certain tools were installed (generally ones which add extra buttons to windows titlebars).

  • Added scripting DOpus.MusicGenres() method to access the list of defined music genres (returns a Vector of strings).

17 February 2024

Directory Opus 13.2.1 (Beta)

Directory Opus 13.2.1 is now available.

Download (or use Help > Check for Program Updates in the program):

New in 13.2.1:

  • Evaluation columns can now return a different value when being called for sorting, by checking if (operation == "sort") { }.

  • Evaluator columns now have a "Custom grouping" option, which means they can define their own groups. When turned on, they'll be called with operation == "group", and they should return the name of the group they want to be placed in.

  • Updated the default example "Modified (simple)" evaluator column to have proper sorting and grouping.

  • Added scripting Dialog.CreateFont, Dialog.DestroyFont, Control.SetFont methods. Control.AutoSize now has an optional bool parameter to make it resize vertically as well as horizontally.

  • Fixed inconsistent taskbar button order of multi-window layouts.

  • Fixed automatic copy queue not treating UNC shares the same as subdirs off the same share.

  • Fix for mouse wheel scrolling the folder tree too far in Windows 7 and 8.

  • When creating RAR archives, it's now left to your installed version of WinRAR which archive format version it uses, since WinRAR 7 is removing the option to create older RAR 4 archives.

  • Pixelated thumbnail upscaling is now only applied when enlarging images to at least 3x their original size.

  • Fixed fringing around exe icon thumbnails when resized.

  • When changing thumbnail scaling mode, if thumbnail size is overridden in a window it now stays that way rather than reverting to the standard size.

  • Fix for empty sub-menus in toolbar/menu favorites list if it was filtering on a specific branch using the "Path" argument rather than "Branch".

  • If the "TrayMenu" context menu is factory-reset, it now turns off its icon state/size overrides instead of setting them to on/small. (Makes no real difference unless you then edit the menu's items to use different settings.)

  • Fixed toolbar search field's magnifying glass arrow not reacting to color changes until the window was re-opened.

  • Fixed Copy/Move options being disabled in right-mouse drag-and-drop menu when dropping on a drive under This PC, where the destination is a single-display window.

  • Fixed custom toolbar labels turning into "Special Folders" if you changed languages and chose to translate toolbars. They will now be left as they were (unless they match the name of a built-in label which Opus knows how to translate).

  • Fixed Prefs FORMATLIST commands not immediately updating after changes to the Folder Format list.

  • Fixed Sync panel Compare button remaining disabled if you switched to another utility panel and back again.

  • Possible fix for crash likely caused by invalid registry data. (ID 184)

  • Fix for crash selecting files in unusual shell namespace folder. (ID 183)

  • Fixed crash when in the Libraries root and expanding a library via Expandable Folders. (ID 171/172/175)

  • Fix for crash if viewer pane had a background image and was closed while still loading something. (ID 170)

  • Fix for crash which could happen when dragging the only tab in a window to another window's tab bar, closing the original window. (ID 163)

  • Fix for rare FTP crash.

9 February 2024

Directory Opus 13.2

Directory Opus 13.2 is now available.

Download (or use Help > Check for Program Updates in the program):

We've also written some Tips for Upgrading from Directory Opus 12 to 13 which you may find useful, in addition to the existing Directory Opus 13 Highlights.

New in 13.2:

  • Fixed crash on startup in Licence Manager if user had an old Opus 12 cert and for some reason the Opus 13 stock cert couldn't be found.

Changes from 13.1.1 beta:

  • Fix for Opus crashing on startup on some systems (we think due to a particular cloud storage software).

  • Added Prefs / Misc / Advanced / Troubleshooting / crash_handler flag, which lets the custom crash handler be disabled if needed.

  • Added limit on how often the crash handler process will be restarted if it is killed or fails to start repeatedly.

  • When factory-resetting Preferences / File Displays / Title Bar, the Custom Title string is now set to the initial default rather than cleared. Also improved the default slightly.

  • Improved default colors for Legacy Office-style toolbars, if turned on.

  • Fixed Legacy Office-style toolbars colors not being imported from Opus 12 configs.

  • Fixes for reported crashes.

Changes from 13.1.2 beta:

  • In the button editor, fixed popup argument menus disappearing if the mouse moved over the editor toolbar behind the menu.

  • Fixed search field auto-search not working when the history suggestion list was open (it now only prevents an auto-search if the cursor up/down keys have been used to select entries in the list).

  • Fixed file changes not being detected in expanded folders on network drives.

  • Fixed keyboard navigation in drop-down menus off the location bar not working properly.

  • Increased long_operation_notify_time default to 5 seconds, and it is now used (doubled, with a minimum of 10 seconds) as the timeout for reading directories. This should help with sleeping HDDs which take a long time to spin-up, and can be increased via Preferences if particularly slow hardware requires it.

  • Fixed standalone viewer freeze if you used Back or Forward mouse buttons to change files while using some third-party viewers.

  • Fixed newly created files not appearing when in Flat View > Mixed No Folders mode.

  • The path field in the wildcard folder format editor now has a help menu.

  • Fixed context menu appearing (wrongly) for the Preferences / Folders / Folder Formats / Default Format group.

  • The Go EXPANDBRANCH=collapse command (bound by default to Alt+Up) now automatically collapses the parent branch if the currently selected item is a file or an already-collapsed folder. Add the noparent argument to disable this new behaviour.

  • Added Go EXPANDBRANCH=clearselect argument; when used with collapse, causes selected items in collapsed branches to be deselected automatically.

  • Fixed issue reading/setting metadata in some file formats with paths > 260 chars in length.

  • Fix for wildcard folder formats not matching lib:// paths correctly.

  • Fixed issue with Favorites branches that contained ':' characters.

  • Fixed the option to reset to the default dark colors when updating an old configuration with dark colors. Previously, this didn't do anything and left the dark colors as they were from the old config. If you're already converted your config, you can achieve the same result by loading the Default Dark theme in Preferences.

  • Added more extensions to the Video & Audio plugin's fallback list. This should help on machines where the extensions aren't correct in the registry or file type groups.

  • Fixes for reported crashes (including script calling GetShellPropertyList without assigning the result, and script resizing a Blob to 0 bytes).

1 February 2024

Announcing Directory Opus 13

After a very long development and beta process, GP Software are pleased to announce that Directory Opus 13 is now available!

For registered users, discounted upgrades are available - visit https://www.gpsoft.com.au/upgrade for more information.

You can also get a free 30 or 60 day trial - go to https://www.gpsoft.com.au/download to download the new version now.


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