Directory Opus 12.2.5 (beta) is now available for all Opus 12 users.
This is a preliminary, beta release. Translations may not be fully up-to-date and some English text may appear in non-English versions.
This is an Opus 12 update. If you are using Opus 11 or earlier then you should not install this beta unless you want to upgrade to Opus 12.
Universal version (all supported languages)
Deutsche version
- Tab groups now obey the Preferences / Folders / Auto-Loading settings. The new TABGROUPFORCE switch can be used with the Go TABGROUPLOAD command to load a tab group and override the auto-load settings.
- Fixed/improved a problem with native MTP support where creating folders (or sometimes even reading a directory) could cause Opus to freeze until the MTP device was unplugged.
- Fixed problem where drag & drop of folders from a library to another Lister would not correctly count the files for the progress indicator.
- Fixed line spacing not changing if you switched between Details and Power modes (without another mode in between) and the two had different line spacings set.
- Fixed cosmetic issue when scrolling up in Tiles mode with certain combinations of visual settings.
- Right-click on the viewer's title bar now shows the normal window menu rather than the viewer's context menu.
- Image conversion no longer fails when updating EXIF data in JPG and PNG images if the destination requires UAC elevation to modify. Also changed what happens when the destination is an FTP site or Zip archive or similar, where the EXIF data will be dropped on conversion now (as it was in Opus 11) instead of always causing the operation to fail.
- The viewer pane now only tries to display .URL files using a web browser if they point to HTTP, HTTPS, FTP or FILE URLs. In particular, shortcuts to Steam apps/games will no longer be triggered by the viewer; you'll only see the text content of the shortcuts instead.
- Fixed details/power mode rendering issue with graphs (date/size) behind another column being truncated in some cases (e.g. if the column was set to left-justify and the width of the graph was greater than the width of the text).
- If, while a folder is being read, you press a key that triggers the FAYT field, the FAYT will no longer automatically close when the folder read finishes.
- Fixed not being able to change the file display toolbar back to the default in Preferences / File Displays / Border on a clean install of Opus Light.
- The Customize / Keys list now includes all default toolbars in the Light version so that you can easily see their hotkeys and check for clashes (previously they would only be shown if the toolbar files actually existed on disk, which would only happen if you had run the Pro version before switching to Light).
- Made a change which stops the Target column showing an out-of-date value for .url shortcuts if the .url shortcut file was edited manually (e.g. in a text editor) rather than through the Properties dialog.
- Scripting:
- Added OnListerResize script event.
- The Metadata object now returns a Date object for date values (e.g. Metadata.image.datetaken) rather than VT_DATE variants.
- Added Item.Labels method which returns a Vector<string> of all labels applying to an item.