Directory Opus 12.30 is now available as a free update for all Directory Opus 12 users.
New versions are often made available several days before they will be detected by the update checker. You can download Opus using the links below if you don't want to wait.
New versions are often made available several days before they will be detected by the update checker. You can download Opus using the links below if you don't want to wait.
Universal version (all supported languages)
Deutsche version
The following changes were part of the 12.29.1 - 12.29.2 beta updates:
- Added Subject and Title fields to Image category in the advanced filter (find) control.
- Added script dialog Control.SetItemWidth method. Used to set the width of listview items in list and small icon view. Use -1 for autosizing.
- Fixed redraw issue with changing manual sorting order via the keyboard.
- Fixed problem with AirDriveLive context menus when cloud drive is mounted on a folder (rather than as a drive).
- Fixed Type column in collections showing File Folder for junctions/symlinks instead of more detailed information, after a restart. (Fixes items added to collections after this update. Older items must be removed and re-added to correct them.)
- The text viewer/editor search and replace dialogs now allow more characters to be entered in the find and replace fields.
- Fixed problem using Copy TO=ask when the chosen destination is the sub-folder of a zip file.
- Removed erroneous Skip identical option shown on the warning dialog when extracting a folder from a zip file when the target folder already exists.
- Fixed some tab labels not being blurred when taking a secure screenshot.
- Fix for Print Folder crash with certain printer drivers and/or Windows versions. ( )
- Fix for stray toolbar/menu separator if the Favorites list was on a toolbar/menu and had a separator as its first item.
- Fix for Windows 11 22H2 where Select All and Select Invert did not work in special shell folders (e.g. Recycle Bin).
- Show VIEWERCMD=refresh in the viewer no longer skips the next picture if the current picture has been deleted.
- Workaround for Dropbox context menus not working in the most recent Dropbox version on Windows 11.
- Fixed Details and Power modes not scrolling the focus item into view if you scrolled away from it and then pushed the cursor key in the same direction you had scrolled.
- Improved handling of renaming a directory into a sub-dir of itself, particularly with network drives where another Opus or Explorer window is displaying the directory being moved.
- When loading Icon Sets, additional validation is performed on the specified icon sizes and coordinates.
- The Print Folder tool now calculates file counts of archives if one of the file count columns is added to the format and the option to calculate folder sizes is turned on.
- Changing the user interface language no longer replaces the filetype group infotips and tile definitions if they have previously been modified from the defaults.
The following changes are new for 12.30:
- Improved viewer support for Photoshop PSB files (like PSD but larger/rarer). The standalone viewer can now open them on double-click and will include them in the next/previous image list.
- Blocked the PC Revive shell extension by default, due to it breaking other things.