16 December 2016

Directory Opus 12.3.2 (Beta)

Directory Opus 12.3.2 (beta) is now available for all Opus 12 users.

This is a preliminary, beta release. Translations may not be fully up-to-date and some English text may appear in non-English versions.

This is an Opus 12 update. If you are using Opus 11 or earlier then you should not install this beta unless you want to upgrade to Opus 12.



  • Fixed problem on FTP sites with cut-and-paste; pasting files to a sub-folder and then going up to the parent folder could end up in the wrong location.
  • Breadcrumbs path no longer shows "Undef (FTP)" as the top level branch for FTP sites in some cases.
  • Added @noprogress modifier which lets you disable the automatic progress dialog for a function.
  • The Set COLUMNSTOGGLE and similar commands now recognise audiocodec as a synonym for the mp3type column.
  • The properties dialog for files on FTP sites is now resizable.
  • Fixed a problem when copying files using the Select Destination Folder dialog to pick the destination, which meant selecting a folder from the Favorites drop-down and then clicking OK didn't work properly.
  • Fixed sub-branches of the Favorites tree not expanding after forcing the Folder Tree to refresh.
  • Processing of @disableifpath and @hideifpath modifiers now works even if they are preceded by a //comment line.
  • The breadcrumbs field will now show ghost paths for a folder if any depth of child folder hierarchy exists, instead of requiring the full hierarchy of the previous location.
  • Fixed issue with breadcrumbs path field showing all "ghost path" and no "real path" when going back from subfolders underneath QuickAccess.
  • Improved folder tree's handling of the Windows 10 Quick Access folder.
  • Items below Favorites, Quick Access and similar folder tree branches now respond to icon and label/color changes without a forced refresh.
  • Fixed issue dragging to folder tabs on the left or right if they had been scrolled but no longer needed a scrollbar.
  • Layouts and Folder Tab Groups saved with tabs in Quick Access shortcuts will now be restored the same way, rather than navigating to the real paths the Quick Access shortcuts resolve to.
  • The {alias} command sequence now resolves library paths to their real disk paths if possible, e.g. {alias|libraries}/Tools/calc.exe would resolve to the full path of calc.exe within the Tools library. Previously {alias|libraries} would turn into lib:// which is no good for passing to external programs.
  • Fixed a problem where another window could be brought to the front when the "confirm file replace" dialog closes.